Beyond KPIs – What Top CEOs Monitor Religiously

As a CEO you know the importance of KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)

in tracking a company’s performance.

But top CEOs often look beyond the obvious metrics to get a

deeper understanding of their business.

In this post, we’ll explore some of these hidden metrics, why they matter,

and how you can use them to drive success in your business and personal life.

Let's dive in!

1. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

What is CLV? Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) measures the total

revenue a business can expect from a single customer over the course

of their relationship.

Why it Matters: CLV helps you understand the long-term value of

your customers, guiding you on how much to invest in acquiring

and retaining them.

How to Calculate CLV:

  1. Average Purchase Value: Total revenue over a period divided

    by the number of purchases.

  2. Average Purchase Frequency: Number of purchases over

    a period divided by the number of customers.

  3. Customer Value: Average purchase value multiplied by

    the average purchase frequency.

  4. Average Customer Lifespan: Average number of years a

    customer continues to buy from you.

  5. CLV: Customer value multiplied by the average customer


Action Plan:

  1. Business: Use CLV to segment your customers. Focus marketing efforts on high-CLV segments for better returns. Identify why customers leave. Use surveys or feedback forms to gather insights and make necessary improvements.

  2. Personal: Apply the CLV concept to your relationships. Invest time and effort in those that offer long-term mutual benefits. Reflect on personal habits or behaviours that might push people away. Work on improving these areas.

2.Churn Rate

What is Churn Rate? Churn rate is the percentage of customers who stop

doing business with you over a specific period.

Why it Matters: A high churn rate can indicate customer dissatisfaction

and can hurt your revenue. Reducing churn is often more cost-effective

than acquiring new customers.

  1. Number of Lost Customers: Customers who left during a period.

  2. Total Customers at Start of Period: The number of customers at the

    beginning of the period.

  3. Churn Rate: (Number of lost customers / Total customers at start of

    period) x 100

Action Plan:

  1. Business: Identify why customers leave. Use surveys or feedback

    forms to gather insights and make necessary improvements.

  2. Personal: Reflect on personal habits or behaviors that might push

    people away. Work on improving these areas.

3. Net Promoter Score (NPS)

What is NPS? Net Promoter Score (NPS) measures customer loyalty

by asking customers how likely they are to recommend your company

to others on a scale from 0 to 10.

Why it Matters: NPS is a strong indicator of customer satisfaction

and loyalty, predicting future business growth.

How to Calculate NPS:

  1. Survey Question: "On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our company to a friend or colleague

  2. Categories:

    • Promoters (9-10): (Promoters)

    • Passives (7-8): (Passive)

    • Detractors (0-6): ( Detractors Unhappy customers)

  3. NPS Calculation: NPS is calculated by subtracting the percentage

    of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters.

    NPS = % Promoters − % Detractors

First, calculate the percentages: Percentage of Promoters:

50/100 ×100 = 50%

Percentage of Detractors: 20/100 × 100 = 20%   Next, subtract the

percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters:

NPS = 50% − 20% = 30 So, the NPS in this example is 30.

Interpreting NPS: Positive NPS: Indicates more Promoters than

Detractors, suggesting good customer loyalty. Negative NPS:

Indicates more Detractors than Promoters, suggesting customer

dissatisfaction.   Higher Scores: The closer the score is to 100,

the better, indicating a higher level of customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Action Plan:

  1. Business: Regularly survey your customers and act on the

    feedback from detractors to improve their experience.

  2. Personal: Use a similar approach in your personal life. Ask for feedback

    from friends and family and work on areas where you receive criticism.

Linking Metrics to Everyday Operations

  1. Integrate CLV in Marketing Strategies:

    • Focus your marketing budget on campaigns that attract high-value customers. Offer loyalty programs to increase their lifetime value.

  2. Monitor Churn Rate in Customer Service:

    • Use churn rate data to improve your customer service. Implement retention strategies like personalised follow-ups or special discounts for returning customers.

  3. Utilize NPS in Product Development:

    • Incorporate feedback from your NPS surveys into your product development process. This ensures that your products meet customer needs and expectations.


By focusing on these hidden metrics, you can gain deeper insights into

your business's health and future trends.

Implementing CLV, churn rate, and NPS into your daily operations will help

you make informed decisions, improve customer satisfaction, and drive

long-term success.

Start using these metrics today to transform both your business

and personal life!

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Disclaimer: The content shared on this blog and in these videos is for informational and educational purposes only. Despite my 30 years of experience as a business owner, I am not a certified financial advisor, accountant, or legal professional. The insights and tips shared are based on personal experiences and should not be taken as professional financial or legal advice. For financial, legal, or professional advice, please consult with a certified professional in the respective field. I disclaim any liability or responsibility for actions taken based on any information found in this blog or these videos.

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